Water cooled machine guns. Maxim Model 1895.
Photos: Malvinas War "Asi lucharon"( MAG 7,62mm ) by Carlos Turolo, Old Madsen Instruction Manual.Argentinme Army.
General Enrique Mosconi and Manuel Savio, pioneers of the Argentine petroleum, industry and heavy industry.
Mosconi was key in Argentina's surveyance and exploitation of petroleum. He led Yacimientos Petroliferos Fiscales (YPF) from its creation in 1922 through 1930. He also created the distillery of La Plata which was the 10th largest in the world at the time. Mosconi strengthened Argentina's position as an oil-producer through tight control of prices and shrewd business moves. He also helped to develop Argentina's steel industry and realized the importance of linking it to the country's defense needs. He led a national mobilization of military engineers. In 1930 after a military coup, Mosconi was ousted from his positions.
Savio became his successor in Argentina's industrial progress. He led the project to open the Escuela Superior Tecnica ("Higher Techinical School"). The first class started in 1934 and was open to all members of the armed services. In 1936 he assumed the role as head of Fabricas Militares (FM) but realized it did not operate the way it should. This led to the creation of Direccion General de Fabricaciones Militared (DGFM) on December 11, 1938. The factory started in a small plant in Buenos Aires but moved to Rosario on October 3, 1942 in order to decentralize production. The initial products were the Colt M1911 .45 pistol, the Mauser rifle and carbine in 7.65mm and several submachine guns. The factory later made the FAL rifles in 7.62 x 51mm, HI-Power pistols in 9 x 19mm, 22 LR carbines and the FMK3 9 x 19mm submachine gun.
Interestingly, Pablo Ricchieri was the true lead in Argentina's ironworks. He created the Fabrica de Artilleria y Aceros de Puerto Borghi ("Artillery and Steel Factory of Puerto Borghi") which allowed for the creation and refinement of steel for national and military use.
Source: Guia de Uniformes Militares: Comandantes y Jefes Argentinos del Ejercito 1865-1945 by Jorge G. Crespo
Savio became his successor in Argentina's industrial progress. He led the project to open the Escuela Superior Tecnica ("Higher Techinical School"). The first class started in 1934 and was open to all members of the armed services. In 1936 he assumed the role as head of Fabricas Militares (FM) but realized it did not operate the way it should. This led to the creation of Direccion General de Fabricaciones Militared (DGFM) on December 11, 1938. The factory started in a small plant in Buenos Aires but moved to Rosario on October 3, 1942 in order to decentralize production. The initial products were the Colt M1911 .45 pistol, the Mauser rifle and carbine in 7.65mm and several submachine guns. The factory later made the FAL rifles in 7.62 x 51mm, HI-Power pistols in 9 x 19mm, 22 LR carbines and the FMK3 9 x 19mm submachine gun.
Interestingly, Pablo Ricchieri was the true lead in Argentina's ironworks. He created the Fabrica de Artilleria y Aceros de Puerto Borghi ("Artillery and Steel Factory of Puerto Borghi") which allowed for the creation and refinement of steel for national and military use.
Source: Guia de Uniformes Militares: Comandantes y Jefes Argentinos del Ejercito 1865-1945 by Jorge G. Crespo
General Juan Savio with summer uniform.
Projects of the 1900s
Del Prado Machine Gun.
Chiesanova Rifle.
Light Machine Guns (LMG)
Madsen 1926 Model.
The Madsen machine gun 7.65 mm (Mauser), was produced by Compagnie Madsen A/S (later operating as Dansk Rekyl Riffel Syndikat A/S and then Dansk Industri Syndikat A/S).
LMG Configuration:
HMG Configuration:
Madsen Tripode.
Madsen tripod in AA configuration
Leather equipment for transporting the Madsen machine gun.
1944. Patricios Regiment.
Madsen MG Accessories
Left: Madsen cleaning kit and pouch. Right: Madsen AA sight with mountings and pouch.
Madsen ammo pouch.
Water cooled machine guns
Colt MG38 with anti-aircraft gun sight device on m37 tripod. Observe the leather holster for Austrian Steyr-Mannlicher Pistol M1905.
Colt-Browning M1917 (Argentine contract 1928)
Belt-fed water-cooled Heavy Machine Gun Colt-Browning M1917 (Argentine contract 1928), with Colt M35 Tripod.
Three-man M1928 machine gun team. Gunner, Assistant Gunner and Ammunition Carrier.
Argentine NCO Magazine. "Revista del Suboficial de 1940s".
Argentina utilized 2 water-cooler sistem machine guns, the Maxim (Maschinengewehr) 7.65x53mm Mauser and the commercial M1917 Browning in the same caliber, recoil operated automatic action. The Maxim M1898 (recoil operated, gas boost) was manufactured by Simpson & Co in caliber 7.65mm Mauser. The Maxim was adaptable for most cartridge designs so it was easily chambered for the 7.65mm Mauser. Also known as the "7.65 Argentine", the 7.65 x 53mm cartidge is suitable for military use though not very common. The Maxim M1898 was used from 1898 until the 1920s before it was replaced by lighter machine guns.
The Colt-Browning had a calibre 30-06 Springfield, 7.62x63mm in metric notation. Argentina bought a number of these modified arms in Mauser caliber and referred to them as M28 for the year that Colt manufactured them. The Browning machine gun has a cyclic rate of 400-550 rounds per minute. The maximum effective range is 2,500 yards but has a usable range of 4,000 yards. The gun itself weighs 30 pounds but adds another 6.5 with a filled water jacket.
Sources: The Complete World Encyclopedia of Guns by Will Fowler, Anthony North, Charles Stronge and Patrick Sweeney
The Browing Heavy Machine Gun Mechanism Made Easy published by Gale and Polden Ltd
The Colt-Browning had a calibre 30-06 Springfield, 7.62x63mm in metric notation. Argentina bought a number of these modified arms in Mauser caliber and referred to them as M28 for the year that Colt manufactured them. The Browning machine gun has a cyclic rate of 400-550 rounds per minute. The maximum effective range is 2,500 yards but has a usable range of 4,000 yards. The gun itself weighs 30 pounds but adds another 6.5 with a filled water jacket.
Sources: The Complete World Encyclopedia of Guns by Will Fowler, Anthony North, Charles Stronge and Patrick Sweeney
The Browing Heavy Machine Gun Mechanism Made Easy published by Gale and Polden Ltd
Submachine guns (SMG)
The Hafdasa C-4 (Hispano Argentina de Automotives SA)
9x19mm Parabellum M1938 C2 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge),M1938 C2 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
9x19mm Parabellum, M1938 C4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), M1938 C4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
9x19mm Parabellum, M1938 Z4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), M1938 Z4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
9x19mm Parabellum FMK3 M1974. Selective Fire, blowback closed bolt. Made by FM.
9x19mm Parabellum FMK4. Fixed Stock Version, blowback closed bolt. Made by FM.
9x19mm Parabellum FMK5. Semi-automatic version, blowback closed bolt. Made by FM.
9x19mm Parabellum Halcon M-43 (1943). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), Halcon M-43 (1943). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
9x19mm Parabellum Halcon M57 (1957). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
11.43x23mm 45 ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), Halcon M57 (1957). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
9x19mm Parabellum Halcon ML-63 (1957?). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
9x19mm Parabellum MEMS M52/60 (1952), Blowback open bolt. Made by "Miguel Enrique Manzo Sal".
9x19mm Parabellum PAM 1, (Copy of the M3A1 "Grease gun"). Made by FM (1950s).
8x19mm Parabellum PAM 2, (With grip safety). Made by FM (1950s).
9x19mm Parabellum MPA M1977. Blowback open bolt. Made by FMAP DM.
9x19mm Parabellum PAP Pistola Ametralladora Patria Model 1, (copy of the Ingram MAC-10), 1980s. Blowback open bolt. Made by FMAP DM (?)
9x19mm Parabellum PAP Pistola Ametralladora Patria Model 2, Type Micro-Uzzi, PDW Personal Defense Weapon, 1980s). Blowback open bolt. Made by FMAP DM (?)
References: Guns.wikia.com
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge),M1938 C2 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
9x19mm Parabellum, M1938 C4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), M1938 C4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
9x19mm Parabellum, M1938 Z4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), M1938 Z4 HAFDASA (Hispano Argentina Fabrica de Automoviles).
9x19mm Parabellum FMK3 M1974. Selective Fire, blowback closed bolt. Made by FM.
9x19mm Parabellum FMK4. Fixed Stock Version, blowback closed bolt. Made by FM.
9x19mm Parabellum FMK5. Semi-automatic version, blowback closed bolt. Made by FM.
9x19mm Parabellum Halcon M-43 (1943). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
11.43x23mm 45ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), Halcon M-43 (1943). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
9x19mm Parabellum Halcon M57 (1957). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
11.43x23mm 45 ACP (Automatic Colt Cartridge), Halcon M57 (1957). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
9x19mm Parabellum Halcon ML-63 (1957?). Made by "Fabrica de Armas Halcon".
9x19mm Parabellum MEMS M52/60 (1952), Blowback open bolt. Made by "Miguel Enrique Manzo Sal".
9x19mm Parabellum PAM 1, (Copy of the M3A1 "Grease gun"). Made by FM (1950s).
8x19mm Parabellum PAM 2, (With grip safety). Made by FM (1950s).
9x19mm Parabellum MPA M1977. Blowback open bolt. Made by FMAP DM.
9x19mm Parabellum PAP Pistola Ametralladora Patria Model 1, (copy of the Ingram MAC-10), 1980s. Blowback open bolt. Made by FMAP DM (?)
9x19mm Parabellum PAP Pistola Ametralladora Patria Model 2, Type Micro-Uzzi, PDW Personal Defense Weapon, 1980s). Blowback open bolt. Made by FMAP DM (?)
References: Guns.wikia.com
A submachine gun (SMG) is an automatic carbine, designed to fire pistol cartridges. It combines the automatic fire of a machine gun with the cartridge of a pistol. An assault rifle, in contrast, uses an intermediate-power cartridge with more power than a pistol but less than a standard rifle or battle rifle. (Wikipedia)
1950s. Liceo Naval Militar "Almirante Brown" with Hafdasa C-4 machine-gun.
Thompson M1921.
Halcon M/943
Halcon 9mm M49 E.A. Courtesy of Leutnant (Jose).
Infantry soldiers from the Patricios Regiment with the submachine gun Halcon 9mm Mod 49 EA (Army). Argentina produced a number of models of submachine comparable with the Thompson submachinegun like the ML43 45 ACP blowback Action for National Gendarmerie in the 40's. In 1949 Argentina developed a version that had a curved magazine in cal 9mm Luger/Parabellum for the Army. The ML46 model was known as the Aeronautic Model. In the 1950s they continued developing more models.
Halcon type 49 machine gun replica with metal folding stock
Halcon M49 Machine gun replica.
Source: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Pistols, Revolvers and Submachine Guns
by Will Fowler, Anthony North and Charles Stronge.
by Will Fowler, Anthony North and Charles Stronge.
Halcon 11,25mm Mod. 1943 Gendarmeria Nacional.
Halcon ML-57
FMK3, submachine gun.
Argentine Submachine Gun "Patria" (Pistola Ametralladora Patria" 9mm Parabellum and FMK/PA3 Submachine Gun.
FMK3/4 Brochure Manual
Image above, courtesy of Michael Heidler.
U.S. M3/M3A1 Submachine Gun "Grease Gun" by Michael Heidler
Pistols and handguns
7.63x25mm Mannlicher self-loading, M1901/1903 semi-automatic Austria-Hungarian pistol blowback action, adopted in 1905. Manufactured by Steyr-Mannlicher.
11.43x23mm 45ACP Colt 1911, single action, semiautomatic. Adopted in 1916 (?).
11.43x23mm 45ACP Colt 1911-A1, adopted in 1927 (?).
11.25x23mm 45ACP M27 "Modelo Argentino" copies of the 1911-A1 design. Produced by FMAP.
11.25x23mm 45ACP Ballester Rigaud (1938/40). Made by HAFDASA
11.25x23mm 45ACP Ballester Molina (1940/53). Made by HAFDASA.
9x19mm Parabellum Browning P35 High-Power. Made by FN Herstal Belgium.
9x19mm Parabellum Browning HP35 High-Power. Made by FMAP DM.
9mm Short 380ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), Bersa 83.
9mm Short 380ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), Bersa 380.
9x19mm Parabellum Bersa Thunder 9.
11.43x23mm 45ACP Colt 1911, single action, semiautomatic. Adopted in 1916 (?).
11.43x23mm 45ACP Colt 1911-A1, adopted in 1927 (?).
11.25x23mm 45ACP M27 "Modelo Argentino" copies of the 1911-A1 design. Produced by FMAP.
11.25x23mm 45ACP Ballester Rigaud (1938/40). Made by HAFDASA
11.25x23mm 45ACP Ballester Molina (1940/53). Made by HAFDASA.
9x19mm Parabellum Browning P35 High-Power. Made by FN Herstal Belgium.
9x19mm Parabellum Browning HP35 High-Power. Made by FMAP DM.
9mm Short 380ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), Bersa 83.
9mm Short 380ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), Bersa 380.
9x19mm Parabellum Bersa Thunder 9.
Interesting photo acquired online from Germany. It shows an Argentine officer perhaps taking a course in Europe. He happens to find himself in the Third Reich pre-WWII. The German officer has a 45 ACP caliber pistol M27
(Colt 1911a1) or a DGME 1938 HAFDASA type Colt M1911A1 (Ballester-Rigaud), made in Argentina under Colt license. There are reps from several countries at the course, including an Asian officer behind the German with the pistol. The Argentine officer is removing a magazine from a holster.
(Colt 1911a1) or a DGME 1938 HAFDASA type Colt M1911A1 (Ballester-Rigaud), made in Argentina under Colt license. There are reps from several countries at the course, including an Asian officer behind the German with the pistol. The Argentine officer is removing a magazine from a holster.

Target practice with Ballester Molina 45 caliber ACP recoil operated, blowback pistols, also known as Ballester Rigaud or HAFDASA (from the initials Hispano Argentina Frabrica de Automoviles Sociedad Anonima). It was basically a copy of the Colt M1911A1, a cheaper alternative to the Colt M1927 which was made in Argentina under license and was also in use in the country. During the second world wat HAFDASA made a large quantity of these pistols for the allied countries, especially England. So the Argentine armed forces could have pistols marked Colt caliber 45 M1927 together with HAFDASA or Ballester-Rigaud, depending on the year of manufacturing, in service. The first Colt adopted the US was the model 1916 (Colt 1911) when an order of 1,000 arrived. A second order of 10,000 was interrupted by the war. In 1926 an order for 10,000 Colt 1911A1 (Colt model 1927) was made along with 926 Colt 1917 machine guns (Colt machine gun model 1928).
Browning 9mm Holster, Ammo Belt Tempex type.
Argentine Military Rifles and Carbines of the Black Power Cartridge era
Bolt-Action Rifles
Mauser 1909, Modelo Argentino. Mauser-Werke A.G. Oberndorf a.N. Photo: Caras y Caretas 1937.
11x60mmR Mauser, Blackpowder Cartridge. Gewehr 71 M1871 made by Mauser.
7.92x57mm Gewehr-Prüfungskommission (G.P.K.), Gewehr 88 M1888 Comission. Ludwig Loewe.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Rifle M1891. Loewe Berlin.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Cavalry Carbine M1891. Loewe Berlin.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Engineers Carbine M1891. Loewe Berlin.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Artilley Carbine M1891. Loewe Berlin.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Rifle M1909. DWM and FM.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Cavalry Carbine M1909. DWM and FM.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Artillery Carbine M1909. DWM and FM.
7.65x53mm Mauser Cartridge. Mauser Engineers Carbine M1909. DWM and FM.
Gewehr 1888 Comission Rifle:
1888 comission rifle 7.92mmx57 Mauser, bolt action manufactured by Ludwig Loewe Berlin.
Argentine Mauser 1891:
The Argentine Mauser (Model 1891) was used by the Argentine government from 1891 until 1909. This model has a straight bolt handle that must be altered if a scope is mounted and a 2-position safety. It is designed to be loaded from the top with five-round charger clips but can also be single loaded. This rifle is no longer in production and some parts are not available. The Argentine Mauser was initially made on contract by Ludwig Loewe and Company of Berlin. It was introduced to Argentina by then-Major Pablo Ricchieri.
Model 1891 carbine. Argentine Mauser Rifles 1871-1959 by Colin Webster
Argentine Mauser 1909:
Photo: Never before seen photo, at least for me, of then General de Brigada Juan Peron in the Tiro Federal Argentino de Buenos Aires (Shooting Club) with an Argentine Model Mauser 1909. The photo was taken by my friend Enrique "Yatagan", in the Mueso de San Vicente (it was the country home of General Peron). The old wooden support for the rifle, is still in existence.
Infantry Rifles on stand.
Artillery carbines on stand.
A.A Artillery.
1909 Argentine Mauser Ammo Pouch w/5-round 7.65mm stripper clip. Nicolas Gandolfi Collection.
Mauser K98 Sportorized
Air-cooled Medium Machine Guns, (MMG)
Reg 2 Motorised Infantry Gral Balcarce 1959.
D.G.F.M ALAM 1 Machine Gun 7,65mm Mauser (7.65mmx53 Arg. (Argentine version of the Browning 1919). ALAM 1 ( Argentine Light Machine-Gun Model 1).
M1919 Browning 7.62x63mm 30-06 Springfield Cartridge. (It was finally replaced by the 7.62x51mm NATO). Photo: 1:1 Scale Replica.
Browning 1919 A4 machine gun replica constructed of plastic, wood and metal.
The Browning M1919 is basically the Browning M1917 but with an air-cooled barrel instead of a water tank cooler. The photo on the above right is of students who went to an exposition in the 1970s. The 2 girls on the far right are looking at a Colt 30 caliber which probably were brought along with the Sherman firefly tanks. The helmet in the photo on the above left is a replica of an Argentine helmet in olive green.
Heavy Machine Guns (HMG)
In a project to acquire an old US6 Truck and a Jeep for a reenactment group, we have this M2 .50 caliber machine gun. This model is constructed of plastic, metal and wood from original Browning blueprints. This model has the blaze orange safety tip per federal regulation. It's a great replica. The truck will be painted in Argentina's colors and, since it is so difficult to find replacement parts, will probably be left as a display.
This is a heavy machine gun designed by John Browning almost at the end of the first world war. It is also known as Ma Deuce and Fifty-cal. This machine gun has been used in diverse roles such as infantry support weapon, mounted in vehicles, anti-aircraft, naval, aircraft, etc in numerous countries. It has participated during the 20th century in its wars (WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Malvinas and the Gulf War. In Argentina it is known as the (12.7mm) 12.7x99mm Browning M2 HB machine gun. According to Enzo Coria, Argentine veteran of the Marine Infantry and operator of this gun in the Malvinas War, the 12.7 had between 1000 and 1500 meters of effectivity, 1800 meters of maximum range (2200 yards). The rate of fire is between 450 and 500 shots per minute.
Different looks at the M2 .50 caliber machine gun. It is a great model for display and replicas of military vehicles, especially Jeeps.
Flintlock guns, muskets, rifles and pistols
Brown Bess 1777.
Above are replica percussion or flintlock rifle and pistol from the 18th century, Brown Bess. The rifle is a British style 1, 93mm diameter caliber . The ammo puch from the first photo is Spanish style M1792, 16mm. These are often used in reenactments of the British invasions in Buenos Aires between 1806-1807. Due to these invasions, many elite regiments and unities were formed which later became the Argentine military. The invasions were during the Napoleonic period when Buenos Aires and its territories were ruled by an English viceroy, William Carr Beresford. He ruled until Santiago de Liniers, a French officer in Spanish service, defeated him and became the viceroy himself. These rifles that remained after the British invasion were used by the Argentines forces for a long time, along with the standard Spanish Rifle 1.75mm.
Rolling block action
Remington rifle, M1866/71. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Produced by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Carabine M1866/71. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowered Cartridge. Produced by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Musket M1866/75. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowered Cartridge. Made in Belgium (Lieje).
Remington rifle M1874. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Producded by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Carabine M1874. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Produced by Remington & Sons
Remington rifle M1879. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Modelo Argentino, "Remington Patria". Produced by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Carabine M1879. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Produce by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Carabine M1866/71. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowered Cartridge. Produced by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Musket M1866/75. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowered Cartridge. Made in Belgium (Lieje).
Remington rifle M1874. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Producded by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Carabine M1874. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Produced by Remington & Sons
Remington rifle M1879. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Modelo Argentino, "Remington Patria". Produced by Remington & Sons.
Remington Cavalry Carabine M1879. 11.15x58R (Rimmed), 43 spanish, Rolling Block Blackpowder Cartridge. Produce by Remington & Sons.
Automatic and Self-loading rifles
Argentine STG44. Photo: Courtesy EJFG.
Beautiful resin replica of the STG44. Argentina manufactured some units at the end of the 1940s in a 7.92mm caliber Kurz to replace the Mauser, however that initiative did not prosper.
FG-42 and P38 Walther (Trial Guns). Source: "Las Armas Modernas de la Infanteria:, by Colonel Julio S. Guzman. 1953.
SAFN 49. Right picture the FN-49 with Argentine conversion with 20 round magazine, for caliber 7.62mm NATO.
DGFM FAP (Fusil Automatico Pesado) FN FAL Heavy Barrel and DGFM FAL (Fusil Automatico Liviano).
Argentine FN FAL Heavy Barrel Hand Guard.
7.92x33mm (Kurz), STG44 (Sturmgewehr 44), Gas-operated, tilting bolt. Made by CITEFA ( Institute of Scientific and Technological Research of the Armed Forces), in the late 1940s and early 1950s.
7.62x51mm (308 Winchester), NATO, FAL, Fusil Automatique Léger, "Light Automatic Rifle". Made by FN Fabrique Nationale de Herstal.
7.62x51mm (308 Winchester), NATO, FAL, Fusil Automatico Ligero, "Light Automatic Rifle". Made by FM DGFM (Fabricaciones Militares).
5.56x45mm (223 Remington), NATO, FAL, Fusil Automatico Liviano, "Light Automatic Rifle". Made by DGFM-FMPA DM.
5.56x45 (223 Remington), NATO, FAA 81, (Fusil de Asalto Argentino) Argentine Assault Rifle Model 81, FARA83 (Fusil de Asalto Republica Argentina) "Argentina Republic Automatic Rifle Model 83". Made by FM (Fabricaciones Militares).
7.65mmx51 (308 Win) NATO. FAP, Fusil Automatico Pesado, "heavy automatic rifle", heavy barrel version. Made by FM.
7.62x51mm (308 Winchester), NATO, FAL, Fusil Automatique Léger, "Light Automatic Rifle". Made by FN Fabrique Nationale de Herstal.
7.62x51mm (308 Winchester), NATO, FAL, Fusil Automatico Ligero, "Light Automatic Rifle". Made by FM DGFM (Fabricaciones Militares).
5.56x45mm (223 Remington), NATO, FAL, Fusil Automatico Liviano, "Light Automatic Rifle". Made by DGFM-FMPA DM.
5.56x45 (223 Remington), NATO, FAA 81, (Fusil de Asalto Argentino) Argentine Assault Rifle Model 81, FARA83 (Fusil de Asalto Republica Argentina) "Argentina Republic Automatic Rifle Model 83". Made by FM (Fabricaciones Militares).
7.65mmx51 (308 Win) NATO. FAP, Fusil Automatico Pesado, "heavy automatic rifle", heavy barrel version. Made by FM.
FAL FSL (Fusil Automatico Liviano) Light Semiautomatic Rifle Cal 7,62 x 51 mm, 308 Winchester, (Paratrooper model) Airsoft replica.
The FAL FSL is an excellent semi-automatic weapon that has been made in the millions and sent to armed forces in over 100 countries. It is composed of high quality materials which correspond to international norms. It has a high precision, resistant barrel that is tested for overpressure to ensure a long life. The bolt is made of specially treated steel for longer service.
Interesting photo of hussars rifles from the 10th Armored Regiment. You can see the 2 leather ammo pouches. Each pouch has 2 magazines, each magazine has 20 rounds. Each soldier carried 80 rounds on their belt plus 20 in the rifle itself.
FARA 83 cal 5,56mm NATO
Argentine Navy SAFN-49 chambered for the 7.62mm NATO cartridge. Note the square botton magazine. Phot and source: The SAFN-49 Battle Rifle by Joe Poyer.
The Bataan M71 is a pump-action shotgun made for the military and police use made by Marcatti Industry. This shotgun was a copy of the Ithaca 37 12.70mm with some differences. The length of the cannon varied within 315 to 615mm. The 5 cartridges are placed at the bottom. Also Argentina used the Ithaca 37 among others.
FM Browning 2000
Gas-Operated Machine Gun Colt 7mm M1895/1914
Automatic, air-cooled, gas-operated machine gun
Argentine soldiers during Malvinas War with Mag 58 FN Type-60.20 caliber 7,62mm NATO. FN became the world's principle arms maker after WWII causing the MAG 58 to become ubiguitous. Argentina replaced the 7.65mm Mauser cartridge in rifle and machine guns with the 7.62mm NATO after the adoption of the FAL and MAG 58. Argentina adopted the MAG 58 in 1960 and it is still in use today. Observe the version of the dubon-parka IDF Zahal that protected them from the cold. Photo is from the magazine "La Semana" from 4/29/1982.
Above: Mg34/42 Ammo Belt. Below: Argentine DM1 Belt for FN MAG.
FN MAG Replica.
Left: RM Commando with 7.62mm L1A1 SLR and IWS (Indiviudal Weapon Sight), L2A1 SUIT (Sight Unit, Infantry Trilux). Left: Argentine Corporal with standard 7,62mm FAL and Tempex webbing (Correaje). This photo is very important because it shows the method of changing the ammo. One set was taped backwards to another so that when the first ran out, the second could be put in right away. It doubled the cartridges to 40. This was a tactic employed by the special forces. In terms of infantry weapons, the British and Argentines were basically equals, with Argentina mainly lacking the quantity of sights.
Photos: Eduardo Farre. Malvinas album de la campaña ejercito argentino by Chacho Rodriguez Muñoz & Luis Garasino and Modern Military Uniforms by Chris McNab.
Photos: Eduardo Farre. Malvinas album de la campaña ejercito argentino by Chacho Rodriguez Muñoz & Luis Garasino and Modern Military Uniforms by Chris McNab.