Flak 88 Crew (Luftwaffe) Single earphone (L38116) with Throat Mic marked L38114; switch box marked 38133; Five pin electrical plug dated 1943.
Panzer DFH.b Headset (2000 OHM), with KMF.b throat mic
Panzer DFH.b Headset (2000 OHM), with KMF.b throat mic
WW2 stalingrad reenactment. Feld kabel funk Kabeltrommel.
WW2 Fallschirmjager pioneer signal reenactment impression.
Single-shot Flare Gun Signal Pistol.
Sturmpistole Flare Gun
Fallschirmjager skiers (Radio operators extending phones lines on skis).
Late War. Field Telephone- OB Fernsprechen 43, dated 1944
Fernsprechtornister FF-33 "Pony" Tornister.
On the right, the Fernsprechertornister (Signal, Radio, Telephone backpack). On the left a regular M39 Tornister backpack.
Torn Fu D2 Replica
Portable VHF 2 Way. Torn Fu D2 Repro.
Torn Eb Replica
Torn Eb Replica.
Relic Radios
German Fu 5 Panzer Radio Set Panels 10 WS c and UKWE e (Relic).
Kleinfunksprecher D Dorette KlFuSpr.d Small Dora
KlFuSpr.d "Dorette" Radio Walkie Talkie with Battery Box. On the right, the RF-11 Czech Post War Version.
Feld Fu B (Infantry) Radio
WW2 Feld Fu B Radio and post War Soviet R-108
Feld.Fu.F Panzergrenadier Transceiver Radio Funkgerät.
Replica and Restoration Project.
Feld Fu Radio Remote Control Feind Hort Mit!