Solingen bayonets for Mauser 1891 (top), Mauser 1909 (middle) and scabbard frog for Mauser 1909 (bottom). .
M1866/71, Remington Rolling Block Rifle. Socket bayonet. Made in US?
M1874, Remington Rolling Block Rifle. Sabre-bayonet type of "Yataghan from Turkish yatağan" curved blade. Made in France or Belgium?
M1871, Gewehr 88 Comission 1888, sabre-bayonet type S71. Weyerberg Kirschbaum & Co in Solingen.
M1879, Remington Rolling Block Rifle "Modelo Argentino also know as Patria" . Sabre-bayonet, type straight blade with similar assembly system of the French M1866 Chassepot. kirschbaum solingen.
M1879, Remington Rolling Block Rifle. Sabre-bayonet. Made in USA.
M1879, Remington Rolling Block, (Modified for carbines).
M1891, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". Sabre-bayonet. Produced by Kirschbaum Solingen.
M1891, Mauser Bolt Action Carbine. Suarez & Co.
M1909, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". kirschbaum Solingen.
M1909, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". Made in Argentina. Remington 1979 and Mauser 1891 modified (?)
M1953, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". Made in Blegium.
M1949 SAFN-49 or FN49 Semi-Automatic Rifle, tyoe Knife Bayonet. Made in Belgium.
M1954, FN FAL Light Automatic Rifle, type Knife Bayonet. Made in Belgium.
M1972, FN FAL Fusil Automatico Liviano, tyoe Knife Bayonet. Made in Argentina.
M1874, Remington Rolling Block Rifle. Sabre-bayonet type of "Yataghan from Turkish yatağan" curved blade. Made in France or Belgium?
M1871, Gewehr 88 Comission 1888, sabre-bayonet type S71. Weyerberg Kirschbaum & Co in Solingen.
M1879, Remington Rolling Block Rifle "Modelo Argentino also know as Patria" . Sabre-bayonet, type straight blade with similar assembly system of the French M1866 Chassepot. kirschbaum solingen.
M1879, Remington Rolling Block Rifle. Sabre-bayonet. Made in USA.
M1879, Remington Rolling Block, (Modified for carbines).
M1891, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". Sabre-bayonet. Produced by Kirschbaum Solingen.
M1891, Mauser Bolt Action Carbine. Suarez & Co.
M1909, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". kirschbaum Solingen.
M1909, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". Made in Argentina. Remington 1979 and Mauser 1891 modified (?)
M1953, Mauser Bolt Action "Modelo Argentino". Made in Blegium.
M1949 SAFN-49 or FN49 Semi-Automatic Rifle, tyoe Knife Bayonet. Made in Belgium.
M1954, FN FAL Light Automatic Rifle, type Knife Bayonet. Made in Belgium.
M1972, FN FAL Fusil Automatico Liviano, tyoe Knife Bayonet. Made in Argentina.
While the Mauser rifles were manufactured by Ludwig Loewe & Co, it was decided that the bayonet would be supplied elsewhere. Argentina considered doing business with several companies, including St. Etienne-Chaterault, Schilling, Sauer & Sohn, Simson & Co, and Haenel. After much negotiation Argentina, under the advice of then-Colonel Riccheri, signed with Weyersberg, Kirschbaum & Co. The first contract, signed on January 8, 1892, was for 50,000 bayonets. A second order for 55,000 was placed in 1893 and the orders continued. Weyersberg-Kirschbaum made every bayonet for the Model 1891 and for the Model 1909 (succesor of the Model 1891).
The Model 1891 bayonet consists of the hilt, the blade and the scabbard. It was fitted for the 1891 and 1909 model rifles, the 1909 cavalry carbine and the 1909 engineer short rifle. Among the markings are the Argentine coat of arms, the words "Modelo Argentino 1891", and "Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co. Solingen".
In 1931 the army modified the Model 1891 cavalry carbine so that it could use a bayonet. Instead of acquiring new bayonets they decided to take advantage of their large inventory of Remington bayonets by modifying them.
In 1931 the army modified the Model 1891 cavalry carbine so that it could use a bayonet. Instead of acquiring new bayonets they decided to take advantage of their large inventory of Remington bayonets by modifying them.
The modification work was done by the Argentine automaker Hispano Argentino de Automoviles S.A. (HAFDASA). The modified Remington was later replaced by the J.C. Suarez & Co bayonet.
The Commission 1888 Rifles used the standard German S71 sword-bayonet with brass grips and a 16 inch, 400mm blade.
Riccheri wanted to calibrate the chamber and the bayonet mount. This would allows a good fit for the cartridge as well as standardize the bayonet size so that it would fit any rifle.
Source: Argentine Mauser Rifles 1871-1959 by Colin Webster
The Commission 1888 Rifles used the standard German S71 sword-bayonet with brass grips and a 16 inch, 400mm blade.
Riccheri wanted to calibrate the chamber and the bayonet mount. This would allows a good fit for the cartridge as well as standardize the bayonet size so that it would fit any rifle.
Source: Argentine Mauser Rifles 1871-1959 by Colin Webster
1891 Mauser bayonet with matching numbers.
Above is the Model 1909 bayonet. This was made to fit the Model 1909 rifle and was similar to the Model 1891 bayonet. An adaptor designed by Ricchieri allowed for the continued use of the Model 1891 bayonet with the Model 1909 rifle. Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co again manufactured these bayonets. The first contarct was signed in 1909 for 133.000 bayonets. After a steep price increase by Weyersberg Kirschbaum, Argentina had other Model 1909 bayonets manufactured within the country by the Navy's arsenal and the Army's Portable Weapons Factory.
Source : Argentine Mauser Rifles 1871-1959 by Colin Webster
Source : Argentine Mauser Rifles 1871-1959 by Colin Webster
1909 Mauser bayonet with Matching numbers.
FN FAL Bayonet with scabbard and M67 leather frog, (1891/1909 frog modified).
Above is the bayonet with scabbard for the FN FAL caliber 7.62mm NATO.
D.G.F.M FN Fal "Tubular" bayonet M63. Type Belgian.
Accessories and adapters
Above is the Argentine Mauser Model 1909 bayonet adapter, or Riccheri Adapter. When the Model 1909 Mauser was made, the bayonet would be mounted flush. However, Argentina wanted to take advantage of the Model 1891 bayonets that were still in stock thus the Riccheri Adapter was made. It is named after its inventor, Pablo Riccheri.
Leather Frogs:
1891 frog with rivets.
1909 Artillery Machete Frog.
1909 Mauser Frog without rivets.
1909 Artillery Machete Frog.
1909 Mauser Frog without rivets.
Machete Frogs
Tempex Frog
Knifes, daggers, machetes
M1909 Artillery Machete. Weyersberg Kirshbaum & Co.
Paratrooper Dagger, "Cuchillo de paracaidista". Made by FM.
Paratrooper Dagger, "Cuchillo paracaidista". Made by Yarara Bs.As.
MPN-A2 Paratrooper Dagger. "Cuchillo modelo paracaidista". Made by Ranz (Argentina).
MXT-V1 Command Bowie-type knives "Cuchillo tactico". Made by Ranz (Argentina).
Model Gendarmerie Knife dagger, "Standard & Command). Ranz & FM.
Argentine (Machete de Monte), Artillery 1909 short sword with scabbard and frog, manufactured in Solingen (East Prussia) by Weyersberg Kirshbaum & Co.
Above is the famous Ranz knife, manufactured in the Province of Cordoba.
Gendarmeria Nacional Knife made by JORFRA.
DGFM. Old Brochure.
Swords & Sabres
Officer sword model 1910.
Model 1910, officer sword.
Model 1898 cavalry sword made by "Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co Solingen"
Model 1895 cavalry sword made by WR.Rinschraum Solingen.
Model 1898 Artillery Sword by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co Solingen model 1898.
Argentine Cavalry Sword 1898, Modelo Argentino:
Made by Weyersberg Kirschbaum & co Solingen
Cavalry sword model 1898.
M1898 Cavalry Sword made by "Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Co Solingen".
Officer sword model 1910.
Cavalry Sabres, (Nineteenth Century. Reproductions.

According to "Caras y Caretas"magazine from 1908, this sword would have belonged to Gral Alvarez de Arenales.
Above is a toy for children from the 1970s.
Below is a Second Lieutenant fresh out of military school receiving his sabre from The President Ramon S. Castillo, (June 27, 1942 to June 4, 1943).
In the 1940's Argentina ordered the use of curved, Persian-style sabres for officers. The model is a smaller replica of the kind used by General San Martin.
San Martin stylized sword for Generals. RU.1946
Left: Superior Non-Commissioned Officers with sword. Right: Junior Non-Commissiones Officers with bayonets. R.U: 1946.
French Hussard or Chasseur sword, Revolution, Consulate or Directory era, with lion's head, (tête de lion). Oil canvas paint: General Pacheco by Reynaldo Giudici.
Recommended Read:
De Izq. a Der. sable de Marina, Fuerza Aérea y Ejercito Argentino. Articulo de Pablo B. Loader para el sitio: elespecialista-ACP: "Los sables de San Martín, Belgrano y Brown. Emblemas de mando en las Fuerzas Armadas Argentinas". Para leer completo el articulo simplemente hace click en la imagen.
From left to right: Sabers from the Navy, Air Force and Army. Article by Pablo B. Loader for the site The ACP specialist: "The Sabers of San Martin, Belgrano and Brown. Command Emblems in the Argentine Armed Forces." To read the complete article, simply click the image.
From left to right: Sabers from the Navy, Air Force and Army. Article by Pablo B. Loader for the site The ACP specialist: "The Sabers of San Martin, Belgrano and Brown. Command Emblems in the Argentine Armed Forces." To read the complete article, simply click the image.
Battle lance:
Lance point model 1892.
Lance model 1895 made by Weyersberg Kirschbaum Solingen.